Hanshi Tony Annesi
• Advisory council, Nippon Kobudo Renmei (NKR) • Steering Committee, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do • Member of 3 Martial Arts Halls of Fame
A martial artist since 1964
10th dan, Takeshin Aiki:

10th dan, Takeshin Karate:

6th Dan, Shotokan Karate
2nd dan, Judo
Hanshi, International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-do

An art of escapes, takedowns, holddowns, throws and locks, Takeshin Aiki-ju-jutsu also applies kick defenses and strikes not normally taught in more widely seen aiki-arts. Advacned Aiki features minimal motion techniques that look magical.
About Takeshin Aiki & Other Aiki DVDs/Downloads
Aiki Seminar DVDs/Downloads
Annesi LIVE! Aiki DVDs/Downloads
An art of blocks, strikes, punches and kicks, Takeshin Karate-do also applies throws, locks, and takedowns not normally taught in more widely seen karate-arts. Most of this "hidden" material comes from careful analysis of traditional karate kata (forms) from numerous traditions.
About Takeshin Karate & Other Karate DVD/Downloads
Kumite (Engagements) DVDs/Downloads
Annesi LIVE! Karate DVDs/Downloads |
Integrated Martial Ways (sogo budo) are the Cross-training of the martial arts. Bushido-kai has a specific sogo budo called Takeshin Seiken Budo that combines Goken (hard fist) and Juken (soft fist), adding studies of self-defense from various ranges.
About Takeshin Seiken Budo & DVDs/Downloads
Sogo Budo DVDs/Downloads
Annesi LIVE! Sogo Budo DVDs/Downloads |
Small seminars for black belts only detailing principles and concepts, applicable to most martial arts, but not usually taught in public seminars.
About Master Class DVDs/Downloads
If you are a Black Belt n the New England area, you can easily attend MASTER CLASS SEMINARS
Annesi LIVE! Productions are full, partial, or assembled seminars and classes shot by amateur videographers. Sometimes the sound or image is less than perfect, but Bushido-kai edits the video to bring out the essence of the instruction so the information is always fascinating. |
TECHNICAL Martial Arts